Department of Communication and Journalism
Texas A&M University
Media Publications
“Engaged Scholarship Methods for Positive Social Change” in Conversations On Jesuit Higher Education Aug.12, 2017
Columnist, "Engaging Spaces". KCET Departures Public Media 2012-2014
Making Belief Visible: The Cultural and Civic Production of the Santo Niño Ati-Atihan Festival in the Philippines.
Film distributed by Alexander Street Press, Ethnographic Video Online, Vol. 4, Festivals and Archives. 2014
In the Media
Feature. "Communication Professor Honored For Innovative Research In Urban Communication Studies" in Feb. 6, 2024
TAMU ArtSci News. Retrieve from: Link.
Quoted in “From strikes to new union contracts, Labor Day’s organizing roots are especially strong this year” Sep. 1, 2023
in AP News. Retrieve from: Link.
Feature interview. “Examining The Writers’ Strike As Labor Day Looms” in Texas A&M Today. Aug. 25, 2023
Retrieve from: Link.
Recorded panel speaker. Community engaged scholarship and public interest communications: How scholars Jun. 14, 2023
and communities work together. Public Interest Communication Summer Institute. Link.
Quoted in "The Displacement of Chinatown’s Low-Income Residents is Aggravated by COVID-19" in Feb. 3, 2021
the South Side Weekly. Retrieve from Link.
Interview guest discussing "Hip Hop and Culture" on The Roundtable Perspective television program. Sep. 21, 2020
Retrieve from Link.
Quoted in “Here’s how HiFi, or Historic Filipinotown, got its name” in the Los Angeles Times. Jan. 6, 2020
Retrieve from Link.
“Loyola Professor George Villanueva Fosters Creativity to Spawn Social Change” Aug.26, 2019
radio and web feature as part of Vocalo Radio 91.1 What Chicago Sounds Like: Educators and Mentors Series.
Retrieve from Link.
Interview guest discussing “Urban Social Change” on The Roundtable Perspective television program. Dec.10, 2018 Retrieve from Link.
Engaged communication scholarship project featured in “Chinatown Residents Are Advocating to Preserve May 2, 2017
Affordability, Create Safer Streets” in StreetsBlog Chicago. Retrieve from Link.
Quoted in “Gentrification or Not, Chicago’s Chinatown Wants to Stay on the Map” in Next City. May 1, 2017
Retrieve from Link.
“Faculty Focus on Social Justice” profile in Loyola Magazine. Retrieve from Link. Spring 2016
“Meet George Villanueva” Doctoral Student Alumni in USC Annenberg News. Retrieve from Link. Sep.12, 2016
“Fil-Am appointee to LA planning commission confirmed” feature in Global Nation Inquirer. Retrieve from Link. May 8, 2014
“PhD Candidate George Villanueva talks to KCET about the USC Metamorphosis Project” Aug.28, 2013
feature in USC Annenberg News. Retrieve from Link.