Department of Communication and Journalism
Texas A&M University

George Villanueva PhD
Associate Professor | Department of Communication and Journalism
Affiliated Faculty | Race & Ethnic Studies Institute and Latinx/o/a & Mexican American Studies
Texas A&M University
My primary inquiries are in researching how marginalized communities of color survive the material realities of structural oppression that have been reproduced along the intersectional social identities of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and class. To this end, I research the role that communication, organizing, media, activism, and expressive culture play in place-based advocacy and social change goals of marginalized communities of color in cities. This research further examines how organizational communication and culture can contribute to more equitable, inclusive, and just futures. My research methods are interdisciplinary and informed by critical theoretical frameworks in communication, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, ethnic studies, and engaged scholarship.

I am the author of the book Promoting Urban Social Justice Through Engaged Communication Scholarship: Reimagining Place. My academic writing has also appeared in the International Journal of Communication, Journal of Urban Technology, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Popular Music Studies, Cultural Studies<>Critical Methodologies, AAPI Nexus Journal, Asian American Policy Review, Anthropology Now, Journal of Urban Design, Pedagogy, Culture, & Society, Management Communication Quarterly, Communication and Critical Cultural Studies, Communication Studies, and the book anthologies Anthropology of Los Angeles: Place and Agency in an Urban Setting and The Communication Ecology of 21st Century Urban Communities.
My work has also been mentioned in popular media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times, L.A. Weekly, KCET, Global Nation Inquier, Next City, and Streetsblog Chicago. I have appeared as an interview guest for The Roundtable Perspective, a communication scholarly television program produced by Lakeshore PBS and broadcasted on the WYIN television channel. The local Chicago NPR affiliate Vocalo also ran a feature of my work.

Urban Social Change - The Roundtable Perspective 210 w/Guest George Villanueva
Media Publications

Community Building Practice
I have 20 years of practitioner experience in community economic development, community-based research, community organizing, program evaluation, collaborative project management, placemaking, urban planning and design, electoral politics, strategic communication consulting, and other social change advocacy work.